Fitting in. Let’s get this straight. We all want to fit in. We all want to be part of a group, society or just another being. Yes, I can go on about man being a social animal and all that bullshit, but then again, you have heard, read and felt that enough times.
But why do we want to fit in? Why do we want to belong somewhere? The idea is simple; we simply need validation of our existence. If you look at people around you, are you friends with them because you like/agree with them or cause they are your friends, so you like/agree with them?
Most times it is just a matter of convenience. You are friends with people just because it is easy. Same class, same building, same school, etc. You don’t have to put that extra effort in, if they are right there. But that is not always the case.
Not everyone makes friends easy. And perhaps for me, I consider only four people as friends. The others are mere acquaintances. Yes, I may be downing your self-important imagination about yourself, but do I look like I care?
I don’t trust people with too many friends, especially those who start considering you like family. I don’t like their intentions and never will. I was called a shallow man for this once, perhaps I am. Perhaps I am a shallow man, who only bothers to be your ‘friend’ cause of my satisfaction.
Although, I ask myself, “Do I want to fit in?” Of course I do. Anyone telling you otherwise, is a big fat liar. Even if it is just to find a drinking buddy or someone to have a chat with. We all want to fit in; we all want to be a part of a group. Ah, I repeat myself, well because it’s the truth.
People need to be told they are special. People need to be told that they matter. Even if you don’t really believe in it. Friendship is one way for us to feel special. It is one way to make us feel like we belong somewhere, even if it as fake as it comes.
I would like you to sit back, relax and assess your friends and people you know and tell me why you are friends with them? What makes you click with one and not with another? How come you are friends with her but not him, even though he is just like her?
Here is to hopefully not a million more friends……
Friends are merely need based animals. I have few, not too many, but they need me, i try to avoid needing them. I mostly try to be my own friend. Which is ok by me, i am an awesome fellow to be with :D
This is actually and old post. The 4 I had are now 0. Shitty, but that's how it is.